Thursday, April 28, 2016

Marriage and Relationships- Tips to Keep Your Union Healthy

Marriage and Relationship tips

Be polite and respectful to one another at all times even when you are upset

Always talk things out-----instead of sweeping things under the rug-- but ask for a time out if you are too upset to talk calmly-------- just tell your spouse that you are taking a time out and tell them when you will resume the conversation

Keep things interesting and fresh--------- mix things up-------- try a new restaurant together------- try a new hobby together--------

Have a sense of humor

tell each other what your needs are

LISTEN to each other 

Take care of yourself

Surprise each other 

Don't interrupt each other

acknowledge positive actions and gestures

be each others biggest cheer leader

let go of the past and do not bring it up if it was negative

take responsibility for your own happiness

Be a blessing for each other 

Say and show "I love you" daily  

Express yourself using "I" statements

Comfort each other

Don't leave the house or go to bed mad

agree to disagree

remember it is best to show your love and support rather than to be right 

By Diane Gammon MS
Clinical Mental Health Counselor

Now Open Full-Time……
Week Days, Evenings, and Saturdays

Living With Hope Counseling    

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