Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Experiencing Anxiety? There Are Ways To Overcome It!

Feeling panic, nervousness, uneasy, overly and uncontrollably stressed, heart palpitations……..These are some symptoms of anxiety.

I remember the first time that I felt this way. I crawled in a ball in bed and felt like I was going to stop breathing. I felt physically paralyzed from emotional pain and despair. It was 18 years ago today on the 1st anniversary of my infant daughter's death.

When we feel anxiety, it is a way that our body is telling us that something is just not right. It can be a warning signal to us that danger could be near in a situation. However, some people experience anxiety in a severe and frequent manner in which is termed Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD).

There does not need to be a situation that warrants danger for someone to feel anxiety.

GAD is when an individual worries excessively in a chronic manner. Some symptoms of GAD are sleep disturbances, restlessness, fatigue, becoming irritable easily, having a difficult concentrating, and muscle tension.

I used to suffer from anxiety that stemmed from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) from experiencing multiple traumas and abuse. I lived in fear over just about any and everything thing - from fearing that I was going to get cancer to fearing that someone was going to come through my window in the middle of the night.

My PTSD went into GAD because I had not dealt with it yet. I stuffed it. I swept it under the rug. I didn't talk about it.

When we repress our hurt emotions, they come out in other ways.  

When I sought help, I learned how beneficial it can be to talk about my traumas.

I also learned coping skills.

Some of the coping skills that were helpful for me were:
Positive self-talk
Reading Biblical scripture and positive quotes
Talking to a trusted friend
Getting plenty of fresh air and exercise
Going to a ‘safe’ or “happy’ place in my mind …such as the beach  
Drinking plenty of water throughout the day
Eating a lot of fresh of fruits and vegetables
Taking slow deep breaths

Remember that talking to someone when you are hurting and /or experiencing fears can be very helpful along with implementing positive coping skills.

 Today, I live free from symptoms of anxiety. You can too!

 There is help for anxiety and you can feel better!

      In precious memory of Cammie Rose Gammon

 By Diane Gammon M.S. Clinical Mental Health Counselor
             Blog Website

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