Have you heard the expression- "Whether you think you can or you cannot, you are right!"
It all starts with your thought process....and having a vision!
Think of what you want to achieve. Place pictures of this where you can see them daily. Tell yourself that you CAN achieve your goals!
Then write down what you would like to do as well.......... a goal, a job, learn a musical instrument, travel, be more social, and so on.
Then write down your fears and concerns as to what may be holding you back. Look at those and let go what you do not have control over.
Now, look at what you DO have control over. Think of specific steps to work toward what you would like to accomplish....and DO STEP ONE! Then write down when you believe you can have step two accomplished....and so on.
You have to envision it first, then write it down and plan out your steps in order to make something that you are working toward more attainable.
If you do not every try.................guess what? You will remain right where you are.
Envision it! Demonstrate positive self- talk! Take action steps! Repeat!
Follow us on Facebook for more inspiration!
CLICK HERE For Living With Hope Counseling Facebook Page AND "LIKE" IT!

By Diane Gammon MS
Clinical Mental
Health Counselor
Now Open Full-Time: Days, Evenings, and Saturdays.
Sliding Scale Fee for Individual Counseling Sessions
Free Support Groups
Clinical Mental
Health Counselor
Now Open Full-Time: Days, Evenings, and Saturdays.
Sliding Scale Fee for Individual Counseling Sessions
Free Support Groups
Now Open Full-Time: Days, Evenings, and Saturdays.
Sliding Scale Fee for Individual Counseling Sessions
Free Support Groups
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