If you are a single adult and are much older, then society tends to look at you as if perhaps something is wrong with you.
Our society embraces couples in many ways.
I remember attending a series of Christian parenting classes years ago and everyone except for me were a couple.
When I signed up to attend banquet fund raisers at my daughters school for years, I was asked who would be attending with me. I went every year alone. I survived it. I talk to any and everyone next to me on a daily basis!
I could go on but you get the picture.
When you are a single parent, it can be even more difficult. That comes with its own set of struggles. I have been a single parent for about 15 years now. It has been challenging in many ways. Statistics say that children from a single parent household do not turn out to be functioning and thriving individuals. I beg to differ. Also, my children didn't fall into drugs and alcohol like the statistics dictated that they would.
No matter what your story is and what ever your struggle is as a single adult, please know that there is hope for triumph for your trials and that God has big plans for your life!
Whether you have never married or you have become 'single again'- you can have an abundant life!
Here are some tips that can help you embrace being a single adult, especially becoming 'single again':
Assess any damage and pain. Being a single adult or becoming single again can be confusing and painful. You can not heal from what you do not acknowledge.
Take things in your life s-l-o-w if you are at a vulnerable time in your life. It is best not to make big decisions at a time when you are feeling needy or vulnerable.
Use what you have been through to learn and grow.
Get a strong support system. Join a small group, a meet up group, or Sunday school class for single adults.
Be proud of who you are no matter what your relationship status is!
Take the opportunity of being alone to discover yourself and to go in new positive directions in your life.
Take time to heal after a divorce or a death of a mate and do not enter into a new romantic relationship too soon. Take time to heal from your loss.
Accept responsibility for your life. Seek counseling if needed. Forgive yourself and others if applicable and do what ever else that you need to to be proactive in your life.
Choose to have a positive attitude instead of living in self- pity.
Explore your passions and interests.
Learn to make yourself happy and do not expect to obtain happiness from another person.
Use this time to grow your personal relationship with God.
Follow us on Facebook for more inspiration!
CLICK HERE For Living With Hope Counseling Facebook Page AND "LIKE" IT!

Looking for a support system/ new single friends in the middle TN area?
Attend The Single’s Experience Life Group/ Ministry in Murfreesboro, TN for ages 30 to 100!
Every Thursday evening starting June 30, 2016
Location is the Experience Church 521 Old Salem Road, Murfreesboro, TN (615)- 707-0384
Go upstairs to “‘The Loft”
Starts at 6:30pm Child care is
Led By Pastor Mike Dugan
This group gets together outside of the church to do activities in the
community as well.
You do not need to attend The Experience Church to join this
By Diane Gammon M.S.
Clinical Mental Health Counselor
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