Live Big and Keep it simple.
These are the words that my Aunt Judy wrote to me in a book that she gave me right before she passed away. This picture was last year and my last visit to see her in Arkansas.
Judy lived on a mountain in Mountain View, Arkansas in a cabin- and for many years, without running water or electricity.
She baked her own bread and grew her own vegetables.
She played the dulcimer, made dulcimers, taught the dulcimer, wrote music lesson books, and wrote many beautiful folk songs.
She taught me to have a love for music. Several summers as I was growing up, my mother would drive my brothers and I from our home in Northern Indiana to Arkansas to visit my Aunt Judy..... and we would listen to her play her dulcimer and guitar and sing.
She lived a simple life.
She lived life HER WAY and she was her authentic self. She was REAL.
She was a hippie and a hillbilly and proud of it.
She was the most down to earth person that I have ever known in my life.
She had a HUGE heart and touched everyone's heart who met her.
She lived BIG and she kept things simple. No drama and no concern for what others thought. She lived her own way and she lived a full life of JOY and PEACE.
Baking Bread
This was during a photo shoot for National Geographic in the 70's.
In loving memory of Judy K.
Live BIG and keep it Simple!
There is ALWAYS HOPE and HEALING!!!!!!!!!!!
Do Not Give Up!!!!!!!!
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Diane Gammon M.S.
Clinical Mental Health Counselor
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