I used to ride my bike ALONE down roads for miles.
I would bike to a creek and stand and throw a leaf to then watch it float to the other side.
I felt free.
It was me and the country roads.
Some were paved and some were dirt roads.
There were some houses but it was all beautiful country.
I was not scared in my yard flipping /doing gymnastics or when I would ride alone down the street on my bike.
It was so freeing. I felt safe and free and so very calm. I did NOT have a cell phone or any other way to reach my parents if I needed help.
It was a slice of heaven to feel that way.....able to explore alone and not be afraid.
Now a days, it is difficult to feel safe and free when there is so much crime.
It is best to always use common sense first of all. Do you be in parking lots alone late or after dark- period.
Do not put yourself alone with someone that you do not know well and who you do not know well enough to trust yet.
Use the brain that God gave you to keep yourself safe. I have people tell me that God will protect them. Yes, God protects but we also need to use common sense and make smart choices for our safety.
After always using common sense then- we can also place our trust in God to keep us safe. We just need to do our part as well.
Do not dwell on being scared but imagine a safe and peaceful place in your mind when you feel scared. Take deep breaths and demonstrate positive self-talk. Tell yourself that you are okay.
Read scripture and positive quotes. Listen to positive and up-lifting music.
Feeling safe is a state of mind but you also always need to make wise choices to keep yourself and loved ones safe.
If you feel like you need help with feeling safe. Seek counseling. Changing thought processes can help.
For the Spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us power, love and self-discipline.
2 Timothy 1:7
There is ALWAYS HOPE and HEALING!!!!!!!!!!!
Do Not Give Up!!!!!!!!
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Diane Gammon M.S.
Clinical Mental Health Counselor
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